Ok, I just got tired of explaining “Rabid Software” to everyone. Most of the people thought I said “Rabbit Software“?! Even my business checks came back as “Rapid Software“! I just hate having to change the P to a B just to write a check.
The final straw is when after explaining what Rabid meant, his response was “Why would you name it after a disease?!”
Ugh!! Ok, so for the longest time, I have been trying to find a good website/company name. Here were the domain names that I have acquired over the years.
One of my favorites is NextHotApp.com, but I want to save that for some sort of app review website.
The other day, I was talking with my friend Aaron on a monday morning, over a cup of Espresso. We were having the normal Monday blues and trying to program the best I could. I really felt like a zombie with coffee. A quick GoDaddy search later, and I finally had a decent website name.
I tested this out with several friends and I loved the fact that I never had to spell it out once. After a few hours, I asked them if they remembered the name, and success! The name stuck with them. So, this week involves going thru all of my address books and getting rid of Rabid Software. Hopefully Apple will be kind to me and not make me pay the additional $99!